
A fully outsourced process brings reduced costs and greater fill rates, whilst allowing LTHD clients to focus on core business activities. By contracting out a complete area of your operation to LTHD, we'll run it on your behalf, whilst maintaining a seamless integration with your business; you can reduce your staffing and administration costs. An Outsourced Contract provides flexible resources, which may include labour, premises, vehicles, IT, communications, tooling, management and supervision.
LTHD provides offshoring support and advice to the customers in Romania. We realise that competitive pressures mean that our clients consider and need support when considering the appropriateness of moving work offshore. However, when considering taking work offshore we will do so in a responsible manner that reflects our corporate values - ensuring that the employees work in a safe environment that complies with local legislation, the quality and service levels are being executed at world-class standards and customer expectations are overcome.